Stan Grist's Resources For

Gold Prospectors, Metal Detectorists, Treasure Hunters
and Explorers

Source for Success.

Introduction to Prospecting - Part E
Now comes the time to see if the time has paid off with some gold! In your pan you should have about the same amount of water as material (2-5 tablespoons). Remember that any gold will be in the bottom of this small amount of material and at this point will still be hidden.

Hold the pan horizontally and tip it slowly to make the water run around the bottom outside corner of the pan in a circular motion. As the wave passes over the material left in the bottom of the pan, the force of the water will push a small amount of the material with it when the small wave strikes the amount of dense material. This will expose new material at the very bottom of the sand with each successive pass of the water.

The amount of water relative to the amount of material is fairly critical but easy to determine. Too much water will cause all the material to move and too little will not move the material at all. Look closely for when you have reached the bottom most part of that small pile, you should be able to see any gold that you have searched for.

This last operation may be performed several times to make sure that you have searched the most dense materials thoroughly. If you see any small bright yellow pieces of material, it is most likely to be gold. Do not be concerned about Fool's Gold, the color of gold is known to most people. When you see these small fragments, look carefully at the color. The color of gold is very distinctive and is easily identified.

Fool's gold, also known as iron pyrite, breaks down and oxidizes quickly in a stream. Gold will remain in its identifiable form forever as gold does not oxidize. The particles get smaller in size however, through time and being washed down stream.

Removal of small particles of gold:

This step can be slow and tedious and is best done at home since your time in the field is usually limited. After you have verified the presence of gold in the previous step, you can put the concentrates in a container for later processing in a tub or a large cat litter box. A few drops of a surfactant such as Jet-Dry® (dishwasher additive) will help keep small gold particles from floating.

The removal of larger-sized pieces of gold is easily done by just picking them up with your fingers. Many times, the size of the gold is so small that this is impossible. When this happens, wet the bottom of your finger and press it against the gold fragment. Lift the finger carefully and dip it in the small bottle filled with water. All small particles can be transported into storage this way. You will be surprised at how the small fragments of gold are easily seen, removed and stored.

Another good method to remove the gold is with the use of a sniffer bottle. It is a plastic bottle with a cone shaped cap. There is a tube protruding out of the cap and extending down into the bottle. The bottle is squeezed and released with the tube under water and near the gold. The gold is sucked into the bottle and because the tube extends into the bottle, squeezing the bottle again will squirt the water but not the gold back into the pan.

By the way, when squeezing the bottle, ALWAYS point the tip of the bottle into your pan. Sometimes gold flakes get stuck in the tube and will come out with the water. Once filled with water, the sniffer bottle may be used to move the black sand away from the gold by squeezing it very gently - just enough to move the sand but not move the gold.

A third use of the sniffer bottle is to put the gold into a small vial. With gold and water in the bottle, remove the cap, remove the tube and gasket from the cap and replace the cap on the bottle. With the bottle upright, put the vial over the tip, invert the bottle and shake. The gold will drop into the vial. The gold will appear magnified if the vial is full of water. Placing the cap on the vial while both are under water will eliminate air bubbles.

A few parting words

Our nation's waterways are used for a variety of recreational purposes such as fishing, swimming and kayaking as well as prospecting. Please respect others by leaving the area as good or better than you found it. Leave as little evidence of your prospecting as possible by filling in your holes and packing out your (and others') trash.

Respect private property and mining claims by not prospecting in these areas unless invited. Some claim owners don't mind if you pan on their claims - It never hurts to ask. A claim is only a right to the minerals on them so you may cross a claim to get to another area.

Most prospectors are friendly and helpful but since their time in the field is usually limited, they may not appreciate long conversations or answering many questions. Try not to set up your operations right next to someone else. At least ask if it is alright. Let common sense be your guide.

I hope this helps you to find your fair share of gold!

Good Hunting !!!!
A Comment from Thomas Jensen who purchased the Ancient Deposits Modern Wealth Package

Dear Stan,

I am so excited to report that I just returned from a vacation to the
Baja in Mexico. With information from your Ancient Channels package, I decided to go exploring just outside the small town of Bahia de Los Angeles.

Sure enough I discovered some old placer gold mine workings. I started
panning some of the material and was amazed at how much gold I found.
My wife and I will be returning soon with some small gold concentrating equipment and hope to be able make enough money to consider quitting my job by next year.

This gold definitely appears to be from the ancient river described in your package. The old river gravel is everywhere. I can't believe how easy this is. Thanks again for your great information! I'll be purchasing your Explorers Course right away too.
Sincerely, Thomas Jensen


If you want to find alluvial gold in large quantities,
you have to find the ancient tertiary river channels.
They exist throughout all of the western Americas, from
Alaska to Chile. The vast majority of these deposits are
still virgin and unexplored. For more detailed and
extensive information about the ancient alluvial river
deposits and where to find them, please have a look at
my Ancient Deposits Modern Wealth Package. This special
package includes information and maps you won't find
anywhere else and reveals all of my "ancient river"
research, experience, discoveries and secrets.

Please visit:
for more information about the package.
With the price of gold bouncing between $500 to $700 an
ounce wouldn't you love to find some with your metal
detector right now?

"Stan, Just wanted you to know about some success I had
recently. I live near San Diego. Last week I tried your
trick for finding jewelry at the beach. I found 5 gold
rings in one pocket in shallow water! This added up to
more than 1 ounce of pure gold. Thanks for that method,
it is brilliant. Sincerely, Jim Trottier, San Diego CA"


Did you know that gold is everywhere and that you don't
have to travel far away to find it? It can be found in many
different forms such as gold rings, gold coins, gold nuggets
and flakes, complex ores, circuit boards, old jewelry and
gold bars, to name a few.

Many people have written to me asking how they can find
gold close to their own home. I am very pleased to
announce my new report "Find Gold Close To Your Home."
This report is unlike anything you have ever heard of or
seen before. My new report teaches you how to even find
lost or hidden gold right at home, no matter where you live
in the world. You can find gold close to your home, around
your neighborhood, your city, or outside city limits using
the information and tips detailed in my new report.

Much of this information gathered from over 35 years of my own
and others' personal experience is now being revealed for
the first time. It is designed to maximize your chances of
success in finding gold. To get all the details or to order
'Find Gold Close To Your Home" please visit:

Want to turn your favorite hobbies into cash?

If you didn't have to go to work everyday and could afford to travel anywhere in the world to discover gold, ancient treasure or a lost city, where would you want to go and what would you hunt for?

You can leave the rat race behind, live a life of adventure and freedom plus earn a great living at the same time - I did and I will show you how to do it step by step with my new 2006 epackage "Creating Wealth Through Adventure with the Stan Grist System" Find out more about my new system:

Copyright ©, 2002. http://www.stangrist.com.
Published by Stan Grist and Susan Millar
(c) copyright 2002, Stan Grist, All Rights Reserved